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Free spring school in Prague for early career researchers: Programme now available


Updated: Feb 26, 2024

We are inviting all early career researchers passionate about Digitech research to sign up for our FREE spring school taking place between 24th and 26th April 2024 in Prague. If you are researching the impact of digital technology on individuals and societies and want to explore how working with other disciplines can advance your research, our spring school might be of interest to you.

The event will combine talks, workshops and interactive activities designed to help attendees explore and learn about:

  • initiating and developing collaborations with other investigators across disciplines

  • navigating the funding landscape

  • engaging stakeholders and creating impact

  • combining research with the arts

  • applying ethnographic methods, including digital ethnography

  • being successful in academia

Have a look at our poster below to see our lineup of invited guests and sessions.

Overview of our programme (more detailed version to follow)

Wednesday, 24th April 2024

The spring school will begin on Wednesday afternoon with introductory activities allowing all participants to get to know and introduce themselves to other researchers, followed by discussions and exercises to learn what interdisciplinarity means, why it is important and what the core issues are when it comes to investigating the impact of digital technology on individuals and societies. These activities will lead up to our keynote speech by Dr Ysabel Gerrard offering insights about the role of interdisciplinarity in Digitech research from an expert perspective.

Thursday, 25th April 2024

The second day of our spring school will open with a talk by Dr. Jamie Davies presenting funder perspectives on interdisciplinarity and a Q and A session designed to facilitate conversations about how to secure funding successfully. Prof. Ruth Ogden will then lead an interactive activity to address the ins and outs of stakeholder identification and engagement. Art-based approaches to research will be introduced by Dr Mireille Fauchon, Gareth Proskourine-Barnett and Dr Dana Moree with a combination of talks and Q and A sessions. In the evening, we will invite all participants to listen to a panel discussion on how to achieve success in academia and provide the opportunity to question our panellists, Prof. Chantal Martin-Soelch, Dr Geoffrey Dierckxsens and Dr Eva Svatonova.

Friday, 26th April 2024

The final day will be dedicated to a series of inspiring workshops. Dr Dana Moree will introduce attendees to the involvement of vulnerable groups and individuals with trauma in research, while our second workshop with Dr Mireille Fauchon and Gareth Proskourine-Barnett will focus on reimaging art and illustration as research tools. Finally, Dr Marie Heřmanová, Dr Julia Gruhlich and Dr Nina Fárová will explore ethnographic methods and digital ethnography with participants. The spring school will conclude with a goodbye lunch on Friday afternoon.

There will be plenty of opportunities for networking throughout the event. Coffee breaks with light snacks will be offered and attendees are also invited to join dinners and a lunch on Thursday.  

Additional details

Please note that applications for bursaries that cover travel and accommodation costs for researchers wishing to attend the event are now closed.

As places on the spring school are limited, we encourage researchers to sign up as soon as possible by registering on Eventbrite. After completing the registration process, you will be sent an email with suggested accommodation in Prague. Accommodation and travel will need to be booked by the spring school attendee themselves. We recommend doing so early.



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